Thursday, March 3, 2016

Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom

How do you Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom? Most people just start working out and following a program, not even considering how that could Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom. This holds especially true for people who most often attend group training programs. Typically, the group trainer does not have the participants track their progress or invite them to change up the weights or functionality of their exercise, with the result that you don’t use progression to avoid plateaus.
Planning Exercise to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom doesn’t just come from adjusting the load and having various levels of exercise. There are five very important exercise progressions that can help you avoid boredom and plateaus.


  • The Load (Weight) – This is the obvious exercise progression. Adding more weight makes the exercise harder.  Many people don’t realize that you can change the load of an exercise by also changing the angle. An example would be push-ups on the decline or the incline. When you are changing the load and angles often you can have better gains, avoid plateaus, and keep you from being bored with the same old exercises.
  • Change How You Stand – Adjusting your body position and stance can reduce or increase how your body is supported. When you do this your body has to work in different ways to support the exercise. An example would be to move from a standing normal to a staggered stance. This creates a whole new level of support needed throughout an exercise.
  • Tempo – Changing the tempo or speed of the exercise can definitely change how the body responds to the exercise. Increase or decrease the overall speed. Increasing the concentric, and slowing the eccentric move or vice versus can create different results. For example, you could alter the tempo of a squat with a one count on the way down and a three count up as you come out of the squat.
  • Combination Moves – This is when you put two exercises or movements together. Combinations create a bigger metabolic demand on the body or body part, which in turn creates more results.  You can combine squats with a shoulder press, deadlifts with back rows, or other exercises..
  • Move More – The more you move the more you are adding to your exercise and exercise program. An example would be a kettlebell squat swing. The swing is great on its own, but if you step to the side, then squat and swing, then step back in and on to the other side to repeat you are doing more.
Overall you just need to always be challenging and changing your skill level. Exercise and training should always be progressing in the overall program, the way you lift or move, and how much you lift or move.


Many people have a hard time developing these progressions and then doing them in the proper progression and safe manner. So if you can, it is always suggested to work with a trainer to help you develop these skills. If working with a trainer is not something that works for you, then taking a look at Beachbody Fitness Programs like the Master’s Hammer and Chisel, P90X3, 21 Day Fix, and more is the next best thing. These programs provide the proper Exercise Progression to Avoid Plateaus and Boredom. Plus, they all come with amazing easy to use nutrition plans, and a free coach.
With Beachbody Programs your options are limitless and you will definitely not get bored and you will avoid plateaus.!248