Friday, December 25, 2015

Tips to Leave the High Calorie Holidays Behind

Okay, the holidays are about over. It is time to leave the high-calorie holiday world behind. Here are Tips to Leave the High Calorie Holidays Behind and get back on track to fat loss and a healthy body.
These Tips to Leave the High Calorie Holidays Behind will help you get on the fast-track to results, but in a way you can use for the entire year as you implement all your health and fitness strategies to a healthier lifestyle.


  • Plan, Shop, and Prepare a Meal Plan
Plan, shop, and prepare is a MUST. I don’t just mean planning what you are going to eat for dinner. I mean planning what you are going to eat for every meal for the next 2 weeks.
Your schedule might go like this:
  • Pre-exercise – Daily Energy
  • Breakfast – 2-3 eggs, 1 apple, Green Tea or coffee (if you do a post workout recovery drink use half an apple and only two eggs)
  • Snack – 1 oz raw almonds, 1 pear, Green Tea or Shakeology
  • Lunch – Grilled chicken, fish, or black beans with a spinach salad, onions, peppers, etc., a banana or bowl of cherries, 2 cups unsweetened iced tea with lemon
  • Snack – Raw vegetables and hummus
  • Dinner – Protein, vegetables and fruit… Steak, chicken or fish, a sweet potato, your favorite vegetables, and a bowl of your favorite fruit for dessert.
Once per week you can have a slightly larger meal of your favorite foods – whatever you want. Just remember there is NO binging or eating into a food coma.
Sticking to this for 14 days could cause weight loss of 5-11 pounds in 14 days.
  • Use High Intensity Workouts
You really have everything you need to get started. Most programs don’t need any equipment, or they need something as easy as a resistance band. Check out Beachbody On-Demand for the best High Intensity Workouts that are only 30 minutes. Yes, done in 30 minutes.


Let nothing stand in the way of your workouts except real emergencies! Switching to High Intensity Workouts will burn more fat than the usual walking,  jogging, or elliptical sessions.
Be sure to check out Beachbody On-Demand for the best workouts available for at home use.
  • Write Your Way to Fat Loss
Writing and journaling about what you are doing is good for the mind, body, and soul.
You must also carve out 15 minutes to write out two outcome goals and three process goals for the next 2 weeks. Write down EXACTLY what you want to accomplish for the outcome goals (i.e. lose 6 pounds), and then three process goals (action steps) so you can achieve your outcome goal (i.e. drink Shakeology each day, do all 21 Day Fix Workouts per the Calendar, and drink 10 cups of water each day).
Next write a letter to yourself how you will do these action goals every day or else. Each day before you start in your journal write the action goals for that day (i.e. drink my Shakeology, do 21 Day Fix Dirty 30, Drink 10 glasses of water). At the end of the day, journal how your day went, how the exercise and nutrition went, and whether you completed your goals.
  • Recruit an Accountability Partner
Research has shown that recording your nutrition in a food journal, and having someone review and or do it with you increases your chances of reaching your goals. A third study found that even having an accountability coach online increased your chances of success by 70%. This is why Beachbody has Free Coaches that can help you reach your goals, and you can participate in their Challenge Groups to work with a group and get results faster.
  • Journal Check-In and Cheat Meal
When you have made it seven days and can truly go into your journal and say I accomplished seven days with success. You can have a cheat meal (meal, not day). Be honest. If you truly didn’t do what you needed to do, then be honest.
This cheat meal doesn’t mean gorging. It simply means having a normal meal of your favorite foods to give you a mental break from your plan. When the meal is over, don’t go back for seconds. Get right back on track.
  • Mental Performance Review
Since you will be reviewing your journal you may want to take a weekly Mental Performance Review. Write down all obstacles that are still in your way of success, and then develop two solutions that can help you overcome each of them. Get some help from your accountability partner, coach, or challenge group. The more you and your group shares solutions, the more weight loss you will all accomplish.  
Using these Tips to Leave the High Calorie Holidays Behind should be used on a two-week basis. Once you have completed two weeks’ review and start the process again. In the first two weeks if you use a coach, sound nutrition plan, and a high quality workout program, I bet you will lose 5-10 pounds of fat, have a good start on developing healthy habits that you could stick to for life.!248

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends. Unfortunately, it’s also a time when any people eat too much and gain weight. Of course you can control whether you overeat or allow yourself to gain weight. Research has shown that the American on average gain 3-5 pounds during the holiday season. Without implementing a healthy lifestyle throughout the year, over the course of five years, holiday weight gain can really add up. So why not start by implementing some Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies that can help keep that 3-5 pounds off your waistline.
The holidays don’t have to mean weight gain. If you focus on these Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies you will be have a healthy balance of food, activity, and fun. By implementing these few Healthy Holiday Eating Strategies you can stay healthy through the holiday season and be better off and more likely to really hit your New Year’s Health and Wellness Goals.
Healthy Holiday-Eating Strategies
  1. Be Real! Don’t try to lose weight during the holidays. Have your focus be on maintaining your current weight.
  2. Plan and schedule time for exercise. Exercise will help prevent weight gain, but also is the best holiday stress reliever. If you get in 30-45 minutes of exercise a day during the holiday season, you will have less stress and keep weight gain at bay.
  3. Don’t skip meals. Eating your three meals and two snacks a day is important every day, but even more so during the holiday season. This pattern can keep you from overindulging at parties. Eating light snack like raw vegetables, a piece of fruit, drinking a total nutrition shake, and drinking a large glass of water before parties can really make a difference.
  4. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats by eating small portions of each rather than full portions of everything. Sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy.
  5. Be aware of beverages. Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and induce overeating; non-alcoholic beverages can also be full of calories and sugar. Start yourself off with a large glass of water, and go to the party with the thought of only two drinks. After the large glass of water, have one drink, then two glasses of water before your second drink.
  6. Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering. Offering to bring a healthy entrée to the party or gathering can ensure you have something that fits your plan. With the greater emphasis on healthy nutrition in recent years, more than likely there will be other more healthful items available that you can also enjoy.
  7. Practice Healthy Holiday Cooking. Preparing favorite dishes with lower unhealthy fats and excess calories helps promote healthy holiday eating. Incorporate some of these simple-cooking tips in traditional holiday recipes to make them healthier.
  • Gravy — Refrigerate the gravy to harden fat. Skim the fat off. This will save a whopping 56 grams of fat per cup.
  • Stuffing — Use a little less bread and add more onions, garlic, celery, and vegetables. Moisten or flavor with low fat low sodium chicken or vegetable broth.
  • Green Bean Casserole — Cook fresh green beans with chucks of potatoes instead of making the traditional green bean casserole.
  • Mashed Potato — Use pureed cauliflower made with low sodium vegetable broth.
Enjoy the holidays, plan a time for activity, incorporate healthy recipes into your holiday meals, and don’t restrict yourself from enjoying your favorite holiday foods. In the long run, your mind and body will thank you.!248

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

5 Easy Fixes to Keep You on Track with Nutrition

The average length of time that people actually stay on a healthy nutrition plan with making 5 Easy Fixes to Keep You On Track with Nutrition is about 19 days. By day five, about two-thirds of people have already cheated.


Whatever the time frame, whether five minutes or five weeks, the point is many people have a hard time sticking to healthy nutrition plan. Why is sticking with a healthy nutrition plan so hard? More importantly, what can you do about it? You actually can do a lot. Here are 5 Easy Fixes to Keep You on Track with Nutrition to keep you choosing healthy nutrition more often than not.
1. Make Your Nutrition Plan Fit Your Lifestyle:
People often look at changing their nutrition as a point A to point B venture. The thing is, it is not this way. Changing your nutrition is about adopting a plan that fits your lifestyle. You have to develop a plan that fits the time you have to spend on meal prep, not have too many restrictions.
Rather than trying the latest “diet fad”, focus developing a nutritional lifestyle change that can truly be long term. If you don’t have time to cook or don’t enjoy it, seek out recipes that are quick and easy, and learn how to look for healthy options that you can enjoy when at restaurants, use a balanced nutrition plan that is easy like the Portion Fix Nutrition Plan by Beachbody, or seek assistance from a nutrition specialist.
2. Be Realistic with Your Expectations:
Don’t set high expectations for your weight loss when you are just starting to make nutritional changes. Remember that healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week (with no cheating or missteps in your nutrition) and getting 45 minutes of exercise daily. So be real with your expectations.
Recognize that you’re just starting to establish healthy new habits. It’s natural to slip once in a while, and that’s okay. Be realistic and know that a diet slip doesn’t have to mean diet fail and just giving up altogether. Learn from your mistakes and move forward.
3. Change Your Environment:
Your environment has the biggest effect on your eating. Think about what you keep in your refrigerator, freezer and cupboards, snacks that are stashed in your desk, or the fast food places you pass on your commute every day. Temptations are all around if you are not taking charge of your environment.


Clear tempting, high-calorie foods out of your house. Rather than a jar of candy on your desk or a bag of cookies on your kitchen counter, put out some fresh fruit or healthy protein snack bars. Cut up some fresh veggies and put them in a highly visible spot in your refrigerator. Stock your freezer and pantry with healthy staples. Out of sight, out of mind. If the only thing you can grab when you are hungry is healthy food, then that is what you will eat.  Change your commute route so you don’t have as many fast food places to pass. This is truly changing your environment.
4. Eat Regular Meals and Snacks:
Most people think the quickest way to lose weight is to eat as little as possible. WRONG! Skipping meals and snacks leaves you hungry, tired and cranky. Deprivation also triggers sugar and caffeine cravings and people tend to overeat at the meals they do consume.
Establish a regular eating pattern to keep from getting overly hungry. The best plan is to eat every 3-4 hours. This equates to three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), plus mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. This pattern makes it easier to control your portions and teaches you to eat just enough versus overeating.
5. Only Eat for Hunger:
Don’t eat when you are emotional, tired, or bored. Eating for these reasons makes a negative brain connection that may carry over into other areas of life.
If you get emotional or bored and feel the need to eat, take a moment to stop, acknowledge the feelings you are having, and what you are doing. If you find yourself eating when you’re not really physically hungry be sure to track this in a log. This will help you overcome this habit. Secondly, find an alternative activity when you find this happening (i.e. go for a walk, dance, read a book, etc.). Plus, exercise is one of the best mood-lifters.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Five Rules of Holiday Fitness

Don’t be that person who puts fitness goals on the back burner this holiday season. You can enjoy the holidays and crush your goals by following the Five Rules of Holiday Fitness!
Everyone always seems to have the same concerns when the holidays come around. We all want to attend as many events, dinners, and ugly-sweater parties as possible, but we don’t want our health and fitness to suffer as a result.
You would think that through the years people would have figured out how to have their cake and health and fitness, too. The reality is that some of us have, but too many of us have not. The answer should not be about desperately doing everything you can do from January to November for your health and fitness and then just see what happens in November and December. You need a new approach.
The Five Rules of Holiday Fitness could single-handedly be your turning point and finally teach you to learn to love the holidays and maintain your health and fitness levels throughout!
So, let’s take a look at the old way most people do things and the new rules that will help.


OLD WAY: Try (AND FAIL) to stick to a split program through the holidays
NEW RULE #1: Do Full-Body Workouts during the holiday season.
Things come up during the holiday season all of the time.  If you are doing split workouts, you will be so scattered that you will be missing some body parts and over-working others.
A few missed workouts does not mean you should throw in the towel until next week or next month. Instead, consider following a program of full-body workouts that use resistance, cardio, and yoga or stretching will keep you moving forward even if you miss a day or two.
Since time is valued this time of year, it’s a great time to look at At-Home Workouts. Working out at home saves time and money because you won’t have to drive to the gym. At-Home Workouts doesn’t mean your workouts will be easy. If anything, they may feel harder! Many At-Home Workout Programs incorporate super-sets, cardio bursts, or other compound movements to elevate your heart rate and maximize your time. Trust me: you won’t lose any ground. Honestly you will more likely gain ground and see results, and the gym may be something you do once in a while after the holidays.
OLD WAY: Allowing Events and Workouts to Compete for Your Time
NEW RULE #2: Good Morning Workout!
The holiday season typically makes everyone’s schedules more jam-packed with events after work. This can also be a time that many plan to workout. So which do you do? During the holiday season the holiday events typically win.  There’s no reason to waste time figuring this out. The decision is “Good Morning Workout”.  
Doing your workout first thing in the morning keeps you on track and never missing a beat. Plus it lowers your stress because you are not thinking about having a workout when the unexpected event comes up, because yours is already done.  If you are gym person, then load up your gym bag the night before to save time and give yourself enough time to eat, get to the gym, clean up, and off to work. This again is where At-Home Programs can ease the stress of time. It can save you 45-60 minutes of time in the morning which could be used for extra sleep.
OLD WAY: Don’t consume all the decadent treats and sweets
NEW RULE #3: Try to eat only the treats and sweets new and appealing, don’t just gobble all the old favorites. Have a small portion of your favorite seasonal treats, and skip the things you can get anytime of the year.


Most people fail miserably at this one, so set yourself up with an incentive. Maybe it’s money in a jar for every time you skip something you can have anytime or have already had this season. Whatever incentive works for you, try it and do it.
Keep in mind that sugary treats can be found everywhere you look, so be mindful. Mindful means if you want the pumpkin pie or egg nog, scrap the Oreo cookies in the break-room or a cafe mocha on the way home. You don’t want to ride the blood-sugar high all New Year’s and have to make resolutions that you would have never needed to make.
OLD WAY: Try to resist the urge even if you are starving.
NEW RULE #4: Plain and simple… Don’t let yourself get to the point you are starving!
Planning ahead becomes crucial and staying hydrated is important. Being prepared for the unexpected during the holiday season (or anytime) is important. Pack protein bars, raw almonds, apples or other fruit, or packets of total nutrition Shakeology.
Having these extra healthy snack options will help get through the day and are necessary before going to an unexpected holiday event. A healthy snack prior to your event will help you stick to the plan of not eating whatever throughout the night.
Drinking a 12-16-ounce glass of water prior to going to the event will also help you feel full when you arrive. Keep drinking water throughout the event.
OLD WAY: Training all year with hopes that people notice during the holidays
NEW RULE #5:  Invite friends and family to join you for your workouts, whether at home or the gym.
The holidays are often times when you see people you haven’t seen for a while.
It’s normal to secretly want to shock those people, and have them give you the “Wow” compliment! Or the “What have you been doing?” “You look great!” So instead of being secret and looking for your compliment, why not help inspire them to embrace the fit life. It is always better to give and inspire.
Make a workout date with a friend, family member, or coworker this holiday season. It will help hold both of you accountable for getting your workouts completed and provide a more natural platform for fitness questions and conversation, should any arise. Give the gift of health by inviting them and giving them an At-Home Fitness Challenge Pack to keep them going after the holidays.
Also remember to go for walks after big dinners and do things as a family like skiing, snowshoeing, hitting the beach, or going for a hike, depending on your climate.
Whatever you do, do it with friends and family. Inspire versus go for the compliment. Give the gift of health and fitness.
The bottom line is the holidays come once a year, but they still occur every year. So lower your stress and stay healthy and fit through the holidays by dumping the old ways and implementing these Five Rules for Holiday Fitness.
Finish the year strong!!248

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Improve Your 5k Run Performance

8.3 Million people in the US finished a 5k run in 2013, according to Running USA. This makes running 5k’s the most popular event in the United States.
So how do you Improve Your 5k Run Performance? For many people the answer to this question is,  “Run”.  Yes, putting in more miles is one way to help Improve Your 5k Performance, but nutrition and strength and conditioning training can create significantly greater improved performance than just running alone.


As with fuel for a car, there is an optimal blend of energy needed for aerobic exercise, an intense exercise event, and for a 5k. Carbohydrates and fats are the optimal energy source for high intensity aerobic exercise. Typically, an athlete should have enough fat stored to get through a 5k race without having to consume more fat. Carbohydrates should be the focus for 5k and other short distance events. Proteins are not used as an energy source during shorter distance events, however, protein is essential for growth and repair of muscle and body tissues. Protein should be an essential part of the recovery meal following your 5k. An even better way to ensure a proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fat is to use a high quality Recovery Supplement.  
Consuming carbohydrates before your race can enhance performance by maintaining adequate blood glucose (sugar) levels, the main fuel for your muscles. Furthermore, glucose is also the main source of energy for your brain, and a well-nourished brain will improve your race focus. Scientific studies have shown that a proper pre-workout supplement and meal (400-500 calories) can enhance your endurance and energy.
Hydration for a 5k race shouldn’t be neglected, and most sport drinks are full of sugar which actually dehydrates the body. Be sure to be well hydrated prior to your event. Drink water and a high quality hydration drink during the event, and stay hydrated after the event. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated.


The other factor to Improve Your 5k Performance is strength training and conditioning. Optimally you should train 3-4 times per week and include resistance training two times per week for 30 minutes, and agility and performance training for at least 30 minutes two times per week. This should happen at least for four weeks, eight weeks out from the event. You can also get very dialed in and set up a training schedule that is set up into periods throughout the year to optimize all your events and continue to improve upon your performance.
Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning has shown that an increase in oxygen to the muscles in those who have done this proper training versus those who did not partake in such training.

Remember, enhanced performance for a 5k does not start and end on race day. It is vital to consider properly fueling your body on a consistent basis, and properly exercising and putting in the running miles for the best results.!248